First Methodist Church
Sunday, February 09, 2025
of Yazoo City
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  Welcome to First Methodist Church of Yazoo City!


Located at 203 N. Washington Street

Yazoo City, MS 39194


9:00 A.M.  Contemporary Worship Service 
9:50 A.M.  Sunday School  
11:00 A.M.  Traditional Morning Worship 
11:00 A.M. Live Stream Worship
Bro. Lauren Porter
(662) 746-7648
Check out our Facebook Page at



Give anytime, anywhere using your computer, tablet or mobile phone!

Make regular church offerings without writing a check or preparing envelopes! 

Give in the moment with a fast, one-time donation! 

Schedule recurring contributions so they arrive even when you can’t attend services! 

Pay for events and activities using your debit/credit card or banking information! 

If you would like to give electronically, visit the ONLINE GIVING tab above. 


Sunday, December 3, 2023 

9:00 A.M. Contemporary Service
9:50 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Live Stream Worship
11:00 A.M. Traditional Worship Service
11:00 a.m. Live Stream Worship
3:15 P.M. Children’s Outing
6:00 P.M. Youth Christmas Party
Greeters: Dixie & Jim Roberts / Sharon & Phil Nichols
Advent Readers: Julie & De Paul / Brent & Carrie Chaney
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-20
Sermon: “What’s In a Name?: Christ the Messiah” 
Communion Assistants: Amanda Canard, Amanda & Craig Prevost
Flowers: Barbara Parks
It’s Poinsettia Time again. Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, we use poinsettias to decorate the Church Sanctuary and take time to remember and honor loved ones, family, and friends. There will be order forms
at the back of the Sanctuary and in the Sunday school rooms. You may also call the church office or look on the church website to purchase your poinsettias.
4:30 p.m. Ladies Handbell Choir
6:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Chancel Choir
Methodist Market 
Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon 

If you have not filled out your Intention of Giving form or the Time and Talent Survey for 2024, there are blank forms available through the church office. Thank you.
Foster Children's Ministry
This Christmas, please consider joining in our ministry to Yazoo County's foster children in one or more of the following ways:
1. Commit to praying for a foster child and/or foster parent in 2024.
2. Assist in purchasing and wrapping Christmas gifts for a child.
3. Make a financial contribution (money may be turned in to the church office and designated for the Foster Children's Ministry).
God has used the prayers and gifts of our church and community to share His love and to change lives! Call or text if you would like to participate.
  Allison Hughes, 662-571-4964
If you have not filled out your Intention of Giving form or the Time and Talent Survey for 2024, there are blank forms available through the church office. Thank you.
Holiday Schedule
Dec. 17 - White Christmas Candlelight and
Music Program at 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 24 - Joint Worship at 10:00 a.m. and Christmas Eve Communion from 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Dec 31 - Joint Worship at 10:00 a.m.
“Seeking to glorify God
 through love and service”
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.